Our extensive experience across a range of industries means that high-reliability thinking is applied to each new scope of work that is taken on by Accuratus.
At Accuratus we work with health providers and businesses to become licensed to Drugs and Poisons and/or achieve registration as a day-surgery, hospital or non-emergency patient transport.
When thinking about your daily routine, hitting the ‘send/receive’ button on your email is a daily occurrence for most people, especially those of us with 9-5 jobs. It’s very obvious that emailing is an integral and effective aspect of business functions.
Not many people know this, but my relationship with Donald Trump goes way back. Hold on… before you make that call to The Washington Post, I want to ensure that you have all of the facts.
How often in business does an opportunity of guaranteed return on investment occur? Not often we’re thinking! How about an opportunity that is guaranteed to return profits within 6 weeks of project commencement?